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RYD Carbon Three Piece Adjustable Paddle


This paddle is exactly the same as the two piece paddle except for an extra fitting above the blade which allows the blade to pop off. This is a popular option for people with inflatable SUPs who want to make the paddle smaller to fit into the iSUP bag.
Although still a very light weight paddle, the extra fitting does make the paddle slightly heavier. Water can get into the shaft whilst paddling through the blade adjustable fitting – we recommend popping off the blade, emptying and rinsing with fresh water after every use.
  • Three pieces: separate handle, shaft and blade
  • Made with the highest quality 3K weave carbon fiber
  • Both shaft and blade are precision moulded with the highest care to ensure strength and durability
  • All adjustable components are stainless steel to prevent corrosion
RYD Carbon Three Piece Adjustable Paddle


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